Kahnawà:ke Community Decision Making Process

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MCK Election Law Hearing Concluded - 30-Day Review Period Begins


The Kahnawà:ke Legislative Commission (KLC) wishes to inform the community that consensus was reached on most of the Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke Election Law proposed amendments.

Key areas covered:

  • Amendments required due to the implementation of the Kanien’kehá:ka of Kahnawà:ke Law (KKL) to reflect change in terminology, such as references to “Membership”, or “Listed”, changed to, “Recognized on the Kahnawà:ke Kanien’kehá:ka Registry”, to maintain consistency with the KKL, references to “Kahnawà:ke Membership Law” changed to, “Kanien’kehá:ka of Kahnawà:ke Law”;
  • Amendment regarding use of Kanien’kéha terminology to reflect usage of “Ohén:ton Í:iente’/ ne Ohén:ton Í:rate’ Ratitsénhaienhs”, in place of “Grand Chief”; “Ietsénhaienhs/Ratsénhaienhs” in place of “Council Chief”; and “Ratsénhaienhs”, in place of “Council”;
  • Amendments to some procedures and timelines related to ‘special polls’, ‘appeals’ and ‘preparation of the voters list’; and,
  • There was also consensus reached regarding ‘vacancies in office’ which requires that a by-election for the position of Ohén:ton Í:iente’/ ne Ohén:ton Í:rate (Grand Chief) be held if there is a vacancy and it is six months or more before the next election. There was also consensus that incumbents would be permitted to run in the by-election if there was a vacancy without having to give up their position as Ietsénhaienhs/Ratsénhaienhs.

Where consensus was not achieved, the wording in the previous legislation would remain and any proposed amendments are deferred until such time as the law is revisited. Although there were amendments considered in Section 12. 1 – “eligibility to Hold Office – No consensus was reached to remove the reference, “Has at least 50% or more Kanien’kehá:ka Blood Quantum…”. Also deferred was the suggestion to add an educational requirement. While the proposed amendment was to have a mandatory high school level education to be eligible to run, there were many different opinions expressed and consensus could not be reached at this time.

As the Phase II Hearing has been concluded following the meeting on Wednesday, 21 Enníska/February. The changes approved by the participants may be viewed in the newly revised draft, please click here. To view the tracked change version please click here. The 30-day review period with simultaneous standing committee session(s) for the TDC to hear feedback begins now until March 24, 2024.

Nià:wen to the community members who participated in the Hearing.


For further information on the Law, please contact:
Alan John Rice, alan.rice@mck.ca, or 450-632-7500
Andrea Montour, andrea.montour@mck.ca, or 450-632-0635

For further information on the Process, please contact:
Kahnawà:ke Legislative Services at 450-632-7500 or kls@mck.ca


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