Kahnawà:ke Community Decision Making Process

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legislative Index

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Protection, Preservation & Management of Fur-bearing animals, fish & game
Synopsis: This Law was originally 2 separate Laws, one pertaining to Kahnawake and the other pertaining to the Doncaster Territory. To simplify matters, the 2 Laws were amalgamated into a single law on October 1, 1964. This is a law respecting the protection, preservation and management of fur-bearing animals, fish and game within the Territory. The Law provides for the MCK, Conservation Officers and Peacekeepers to be ex-officio officers for the enforcement of this Law.
Type: 2 - Regulatory
Origin: Kahnawą:ke
Status: In Force (outdated)
Enacted on October 1, 1964
Revision Date: n/a
Priority: Low
Next Steps:

Intergovernmental: n/a

Internal Governance: n/a

Social/Economic: n/a

Legislative: Incorporate applicable areas into animal law and shelve.

Administrative/Implementation: n/a

Other (Please provide details): n/a

Last Amended: n/a
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